Last weekend we had a Geyser family weekend in Nystroom (Mollimole??). The wines of Withoek was well received and we were sold out within a few hours. It was a very enjoyable weekend although my youngest son made it a bit difficult in the evenings. Our new range - the Geyser range (375ml) tawny Port was a definate hit. It seems as if the whole packaging is a big drawing card.
We also started picking plums and apricots this week. The quality looks good and I think we were very fortunate with the hail not damaging our fruit as bad as some of our neighbours products. We dried fruit will also start tomorrow.
We had Chrissie's birthday party last night at the tasting room. Sundowners turned out to happen till 10 in the evening in Calitzdorp. Very enjoyable. Stunning evening with great people - what more do you want. Coffee at Handelshuis this morning was a must to get the balance right.
Also worked with Alex Fick on Tuesday morning. Tasting the Shiraz and Port in the barrels. Ficks wine and port is a promising fruit bomb. As it is young wines it over provide in the strawberry, rasberry and plum departments. Very nice drinks. My own products also looks well balanced and complex. The port that turns out to be a fine sample of the ruby style still shows the traditional port flavour complexes with a smooth finish. The Shiraz is a forcefull one. The same block was used in Calitzdorp cellars blend that gold in the SA Young wine show. The vineyard definately is starting to mature. Exciting times
Hope to see you soon in Calitzdorp